Calling all writers: The Villanova Sports Law Blog will be accepting submissions for its open writing competition!
The 2018-2019 Staff Writers for the Villanova Sports Law Blog will be chosen through the Sports Law Blog's Open Writing Competition.
I. Important Dates
· Sign-Up Period: Wednesday, September 12 - Friday, September 14, at 5 PM
· Competition Closes: Tuesday, September 18, at 5 PM
· Chosen Writers Informed: Friday, September 21
· Initial Blog Team Meeting: Week of September 24 (Room & Time TBD)
I. Eligibility Rules
The Villanova Sports Law Blog Competition is open to all 1Ls and 2Ls. 3Ls are not eligible to participate. 2Ls who are members of the Moorad Sports Law Journal should note that while they are not prohibited from participating in the competition, their MSLJ duties may overlap with duties as writers for the Villanova Sports Law Blog.
II. Competition Sign-Up
To sign up for the Villanova Sports Law Blog Competition, interested students must send an email to during the Sign-Up Period (ends September 14, 2018 at 5pm) with the subject "Villanova Sports Law Blog Competition." In the body of the email, students should state that they are interested in competing for a position on the blog staff and note their class year.
III. Competition Topic and Format
Competitors will be writing a blog post explaining the world of eSports and whether it could be a viable NCAA sport. eSports refers to the industry of competitive video gaming, where individuals form teams to compete in tournaments.
Below are five articles on this topic, which are meant to provide background information. Additional research is not required, but is permitted. If competitors do conduct additional research, they MUST provide hyperlinks to the relevant pages via a footnote inserted into their blog post.
· “Is esports the future of college sports? SUNY Canton invests $500k to find out”
· “College athletic departments go recruiting for esports teams”
· “The Role of College Programs in Pro Esports”
· “As esports teams spring up on campuses, one athletic conference is embracing the competition and showing others how it might look”
· “Esports is the New College Football”
Submissions should not read like legal memoranda or case notes. Instead, competitors are encouraged to use the attached articles (in addition to any other research done) to help them form an opinion on the topic, which will act as the basis of their submissions.
Ideally, submissions should include an introduction, where the writer provides a short summary of the topic; an analysis section, where the writer explains the legal issue; and a conclusion, where the writer gives a personal opinion on the topic. These sections do not need to be marked by headings and the format does not need to be followed rigidly if the writer prefers a different one. It is more important that submissions read like normal opinion pieces.
Bluebook citations are not necessary. The only time a writer needs to cite a source is if he or she includes a direct quotation from the attached article or any other source, in which case the quote should be followed by a footnote where the writer provides a hyperlink to the quoted source.
Submissions must be between 500 and 700 words. Any submission outside this range by more than a reasonable number of words (i.e. 5-10) will not be considered.
A sample submission (though on a different topic) is attached to this email. However, competitors may also view past blog posts here:
IV. Competition Submission
Submissions must be emailed (as an attached Word document) to by September 18 at 5 PM with the subject "Villanova Sports Law Blog Competition Submission." That document should be named "Your Full Name - Blog Submission."
V. Post-Competition
Writers will be chosen among the group of submissions, and those students will be informed by Friday, September 21. The chosen writers are required to attend a meeting during the week of September 24 at which time the writers will be informed of their duties. It is important to note, however, that writers will be expected to submit two-to-four relatively short blog posts each month. Therefore, any student who does not feel he or she can handle such a commitment should not enter the competition.
Please direct any questions on the competition to
Thank you for your interest in the Villanova Sports Law Blog, and good luck!